Rite of Transfer of the Easter Flame

The Resurrection - an early Icon

Rite of Transfer of the Easter Flame

(First part – at the Vigil)

Immediately before the dismissal at the end of the Easter Vigil Mass, the three deacons will go to the front of the altar and bow. They will then stand, facing the altar, in front of the steps. The third deacon will go to the ambo to explain the ritual and intone the dismissal.


The Easter fire we have lit tonight was used to light the Paschal Candle which is a visible symbol of the Risen Christ. We will take a flame from this candle to the communities of Holy Cross and St Swithun Wells so that their Paschal Candles can truly be said to have been lit from the one Light of Christ this Easter.

Two deacons will each take a candle and light it from the Paschal Candle, returning to face the altar.


Go in the Peace of Christ. Alleluia, Alleluia.

The Procession will then line up behind the two deacons. The third deacon and the celebrant will then reverence the altar and join the procession.

Rite of Transfer of the Easter Flame

(Second part – at the next Mass with a community that was not able to celebrate the Easter Vigil)

In the entry procession, a deacon will carry the light from the Vigil. It will be the only candle lit at this time. The deacon, celebrant, thurifer and boat bearer will immediately go to the Paschal Candle. The other servers go to their normal places.


This flame was lit from the Paschal Candle at the Easter Vigil. The Paschal Candle is a visible symbol of the Risen Christ. We have brought the fire from that candle so that our Paschal Candle can truly be said to have been lit from the one Light of Christ this Easter.

The Paschal Candle is lit and the light is taken by a server to the acolytes and altar candles which are also lit. Incense is administered and the deacon incenses the Paschal Candle. All go to their places for the beginning of Mass and the introductory rite begins.

© Bob Birtles 2011